Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Oct. 27, 2014

Yesterday at church the young man that was baptized last week asked if he could hang out with us today.  So he came out with us for a couple of hours and got to see how missionary life is really like.  He also went to mission prep class later that night.
Yesterday we also helped someone move a pool table into a guys house and then helped a couple of girls change the radiator hose in their car.

The rest of the week was pretty normal.  We did do about 5 hours of service Saturday doing some yard work.

We do have one investigator that we are working with that says the Church is true because the people that taught him know it's true.  We told him that we will help him get his own testimony and he really liked that idea.

My shoes are really worn, in fact they started squeaking sometimes when I walk.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will last my to the end of my mission.  There is no place here to buy a new pair a shoes that would be comfortable enough for all the walking that we do.

Well, I love you.

Elder Poling

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Oct. 20, 2014

We had a baptism Friday and I was able to confirm him a member of the church, which was pretty awesome.
After church Sunday we taught a new investigator who had been taught on the west side for 6 months.  He believed the church was true because he knew that his girlfriend and the missionaries teaching him knew that it was true.  So we told him that we will work with him to get his own testimony.
Other than that it was just the normal stuff.

I love you.

Love, Scott

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Oct. 13, 2014

Things are going good here.  We are having a baptism Friday!  The guy that is getting baptized want to hang out with us today so I think we are going to shoot some pool with him at the institute building.

We had a few lessons with members that have turned out pretty interesting.  We took out the Elders Quorum President to a lesson and we had an investigator bring up some concerns about deep doctrine, like does God have a God and how did he get his body?  He told her to simply just focus on the basics of the gospel and to read the Book of Mormon with an open heart and she will the get answers she is looking for.  That was pretty good.

We also helped a guy split some wood this week.  When we started we were using a hydraulic splitter and everything was going good, but then the splitter ended up stopping and we couldn't get it running again.  We ended doing the rest of the wood by hand.  Man did our backs hurt for a while after that.

That's about it for this week.

I love you.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Oct. 6, 2014

I had a pretty good week. We had a lesson with a couple of guys who just wanted to bash with us. One brought out an anti packet. We answered all the questions he had.  We also answered all the questions from the anti packet that the other guy had. It was kind of interesting. We also invited them to church with us, if they did a lot of their questions would had been answered but they didn't come. As me and my companion watched conference we both agreed that it would have bee great for them to had seen conference. A lot if their questions and concerns would have been answers.

We also got transfer calls. I'm staying in Ellensburg as well as my companion. I think I will end up going home from here now for sure.

That's about it.
I love you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sept. 29, 2014

Things here are going pretty good for the most part.  We had a training this week on how to do our weekly planning.  They said that we should spend at least 6 hours planning our week and if we are not then we may be doing something wrong.  We are to do our weekly planning on Fridays.

We also got together with 5 other zones and watched the documentary "Meet the Mormons".  I thought it made us look like weirdos, that do normal things and live normal lives.  I was also able to see one of my old companions that will be going home next week.  It was good to see him before his leaves.  He's excited to go home but sad at the same time.  Oh, when we had our temple trip a couple of weeks ago I saw the lady that I lived with in Kennewick at the temple.  Said said that she missed me and wished that I could come back and that I was one of her favorite missionaries.

There is a rumor going around that they are going to move the missionaries out of the apartment that we are living in and move us in with members (there are 4 of us).  I'm guessing it would be to save money.  We will have to see what happens.  

We did so some service in Thorp for a less active member there and their son came to church Sunday, which was good.  We are also planning on going to a town called Elem.  It's a pretty small town.  The elders up there are always doing service so I'll be able to help them.

Transfers are next week and I have a feeling that I will be transferred so we will have to see what happens.

I love you.
