Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 24, 2014

Things are going good.  We found 3 new investigators this week.  5 of our investigators came to church Sunday.  We also have a baptism planned for April 5.  Right now it is planned between conference sessions on April 5 so that's exciting.  We got members to fellowship all of our investigators so that was great.

Things with my companion are going okay.  I just have to remember to be patient with him.

Things are going pretty good and the work is going on.

That's about it for this week.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 17, 2014

I got my new companion.  He told me upfront that he has asbergers and ADHD.  I'm glad that he told me up front, so that will make it easier to handle and get a long with him.

Our investigators are doing good.  We met with our investigator that really wants to get baptized but is on parole.  He is probably our most solid investigator right now.  He also asked if we could watch 17 Miracles, we told him that we would have to get permission from Pres. Ware.  We did get permission to watch 17 Miracles so next time we meet with him we will watch it.

We also did some service this week with the guy who knows Elder Bednar and Pres. Uchtdorf.  He mentioned that Elder Bednar would keep a football in his office so that he could go and throw it with random students during his lunch break.

Saturday my zone had breakfast at a member of the Stake presidency's house, so that was pretty cool.  When we left there we went and saw one of our investigators.  When we got there all he wanted to do was argue with us so we ended up dropping him.  We then went to a less active members house to do service.   While we were there we cleaned out a trailer for them to get ready to sale.  He told us that he believes that 90% of any ones mission could be done by any missionary but 10% of it can only be done by you.  He also told me that he is part of my 10% and that it would take someone like me to get him and his girlfriend to church and to reactivate him.  He told me that I'm probably more effective as a missionary doing service than I am knocking on doors as far as making an impact on people.  Every time we have left he told I'm making an impact on his whole family.  So that made me feel good.  He also said that there is a reason why he didn't have the other missionaries that come through the ward come over as much and spend time with him.  He said to him there were just guys in white shirts and ties.  I'll have to figure out how to manage my time to be effective in finding people and in helping him and his girlfriend.

That was a cool ending to my week.

I love you.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 10, 2014

This week was a good one.  We found a new investigator that wants to join but he is currently on parole.  It looks like he has another year until he is no longer on parole so this will be a long term investment and will need to do some fellowship.
We also did some less active work and went and hit some baseballs.  The less active member and his girlfriend and her kids were there.  So we had a lot of fun with them.  We also stopped by some people.  So it was a good week.
My companion is all packed and ready to go.  I will be with the missionaries that serve in the ward next to mine until I get me new companion on Wednesday.
I will probably be sending home some of my long sleeve shirts soon since it's starting to warm up along with some other things.
We also helped a couple of people move this week and while we were moving them I ripped a big hole in the seat of my jeans, but the lady we live with said that she can fix them.

That's about all that I can think of.

I love you.

Love, Scott

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 3, 2014

This week was pretty good.  We had zone conference which was pretty good.    We had some good training.  They talked about teaching and the commitments that we leave with our appointments.

We stopped by some less actives in the ward.  One that we stopped by in a part member family.  He know some deep doctrine but doesn't come to church and his wife is not a member.  We will have to see if we can get him to start coming back to church.

Friday night the Elders Quorum had a pinewood derby which we were invited to.  They fed us steak which was really good.  There was also a less active member that came and brought his girlfriend.  We talked to him for a while.  We found out that he served his mission in Frankfort Germany.  He mentioned he had dinner with Pres. Uchtdor a few times.  He also attended Ricks and was on a first name bases with Elder Bednar.  It was cool to here his stories.

This is my companions last week in the mission field.  Come Monday I will be in a three-some until Wednesday when I get my new companion.

Thanks for all you do for me.  I love you.
