Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 22, 2014

This week was pretty good.  We found 2 new people to teach, but I'm not sure how well it will go.  One doesn't want to read the Book of Mormon or any pamphlet and the other doesn't see a need for a prophet.  So we have our work cut out for us.  We will have to see what happens.

As I've said before my companion likes to go all day.  We do a ton of walking.  Sometimes it seems like we walk in circles, but because of all the walking we do I sleep good at night.

School starts tomorrow here which means that there will be more people to try and get to the YSA branch started again.  I'm pretty excited about that.

It's been a pretty normal week.

I love you.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sept. 17, 2014

Sorry it took me so long to email you.  We had temple p-day this week.  This morning we made a dash down to the Tri-Cities and hit the 9:30 session.  It was great to be able to make it to another temple session.

Things are going good here.  For the most part my companion and I are getting along.  There are times though that we just walk around in silence.  We do stay pretty busy.  We just go go go which is good.  It is starting to really take a toll on my shoes.  I think I'm gonna have to get a new pair before long.

I've been on 3 exchanges in the past 10 days.  Tuesday I went on one with one of the Zone leaders and we went and tried to find some people to work with in Thorp but all we got was a warning that we need to be careful walking around there and that people shoot first and ask questions later.  We took their advice and made sure we were careful.

Can you please send me my long sleeve shirts and sweaters, I don't want to be caught off guard when it gets cold.  I don't think I will send home short sleeve shirts.  They are kind of gross so I just keep one or two of the good ones and figure out what to do which the rest later.

Well, that's about it.  I love you.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sept. 8, 2014

As you know I was transferred and I've already had some crazy things happen here, but its been good.  My companion and I get along but don't have too much to say to each other.  We both did very different things when we were home.  We have to try and get creative when we do talk.  Although I think my companion thinks I'm getting trunky because he says I'm starting to talk more about things at home.  I try and stay focused on the work that I have been called to do.

It was hard to leave Kennewick (I was there for 7 months).  They lady that we lived with even cried when I left.  She even told me that she did like me a lot and she would occasionally tell me that I'm a special missionary.  She also said that I needed to come back and visit her.    I'll admit that I do find myself wishing that I was back in Kennewick but then I have to remind myself that there is someone here that I need help so that has been my mission to find out who that is.

Ellensburg is growing on me.  We stay super busy which is good.  We do have a couple of investigators that we are working with.  We found out that one of the investigator's dad is in jail, so things have been put on hold with him.

Ellensburg is a college town and the campus is in our area so there is a lot of opportunities there to find investigators.

That's all for this week.

I love you.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

August 31, 2014

I got transferred to Ellensburg.  It's a college town and the campus is in my area.  I'm probably in one of the biggest walking areas in the mission.  We do have a lot of members that are willing to drive us around because our area is so big.  We also cover a town called Thorp, which is about a 10 minute drive from the highway.  Luckily we get to use the other elders car on Thursdays so we can go to Thorp.  We have a part member family out there that we are teaching.  While out there on Thursday we found out that they roll their own cigarettes.  We ended up taking a bag of tabacco from them before we left to help them quit smoking.

One of the 1st things we did when I got here was help a lady lay the floor in her house.  That was fun.  This past weekend was the biggest rodeo in the state of Washington and it was held here in Ellensburg.  You can only imagine all the drunk people out walking around.  My companion even got asked by a lady if he wanted to go back to her room with her for the night.  We've also been mooned, so we try not to look around too much.  I think most of this craziness with end after the rodeo is over.  Oh, we also watched a guy throw a TV off his balcony and it exploded.

The less active member that I was working with in Kennewick for a long time was a little upset that I was leaving but he did say that he knows there is someone up here in Ellensburg That I need to find and help out.  He even called me Wednesday night and said that he didn't realized how much he needed me until I left.  He also said to call him every now and again to see how he is doing.  After talking with him that night it sounded like Wednesday was a crazy day for him.

Well, that about it for this week.

I love you.
