Tuesday, January 8, 2013

MTC week 1

MTC  has been great so far. The days are beginning to blur together.  Getting up at 6:30 can be a challenging sometimes but I try to get up as close to that time as possible.

Everyone is friendly and everyone in my district are great friends.

Everyone in my district has avoided the flu so far.  I've been taking the vitamin C that Lee gave me.  The flu also seems to be winding down here.


  1. It is good to hear from you and know that you are doing well.

    It is not so much the vitamins you are taking as it is the righteous life you have been living by getting up early and going to seminary.

    Stay healthy and work hard in and after class.

  2. Glad your doing Great! Im going to enjoy the steak dinner you owe me. Stay safe!

  3. He writes about as much as Taylor does. We have to post a list of questions each week to pull information out of the boy.

    Always fun to get the letters and emails though. :-)

  4. Glad to hear you have missed the flu!

  5. Scott also mentioned that all he can think about is when the next meal is and the lessons. Scott is also is in the last group of missionaries that will be in the MTC for 3 weeks. His district has already gone through a set of teachers. One quit and another transferred to a new class. They must be troublemakers. :).
